Saturday, May 16, 2009


Kristina took the Shakespeare Conquest class again this year. This time they did the play, Midsummer Night's Dream and she played the part of Helena.

Kristina with her counterpart, Brennan, playing the part of Demetrius
A scene with the fairy queen (Jean), Bottom (Preston), Oberon (Ben) and the fairies

A scene with the reconciled lovers

The Shakespeare class had so many students this year that they had two full casts. Kristina was in Rachel Keppner's cast (above)

Here is the other cast directed by Megan Packer & Shawna Wilcock

Three happy brides

Mike & Sally offering congratualtions for a GREAT performance!

Three very proud nieces of their Aunt Kristi
Demetrius & Helena

1 comment:

Kira said...

Wow, your dress is amazing, that must have been a lot of work! All of you have such elaborate costumes on. I wish we could've seen you perform Kristi! I'm sure you were amazing.